Alumni Spotlight: Lauren Watson '21

Meet Lauren Watson, class of 2021! Lauren says majoring in Italian was "the best decision I've ever made," loved it so much that she couldn't leave it behind in undergrad, and shares her plans to combine her passions for Italian and veterinary medicine in the future.

Lauren Watson smiles for the camera, wearing a white lab coat and blue scrubs. She has her arm over a large black dog with its tongue hanging out.

What was your major/minor? Why did you choose it?

I double majored in Italian and Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity (EEB), and minored in English. EEB was my science major to prepare me for veterinary school. Italian and English were passions!

What are you up to now?

I’ve completed 1/4 of my M.A. in Italian at Middlebury College and am starting my final year at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.

How did your experience at UC Davis prepare you for the next step in your academic and professional journey?

I am so grateful for my time in the Italian department at UC Davis because it brought me closer to my culture and my lifelong dream of speaking Italian, and prepared me to continue my Italian studies after undergrad. During my time in the Italian department, we received several emails about the Middlebury Language School from Professor Subialka. I had always dreamt of pursuing a graduate degree in Italian, but knowing that I was pursuing veterinary school, I never thought it was possible. A year and a half into vet school, I missed studying Italian so much that I signed up for the Middlebury summer immersion program. Because I had a bachelor’s in Italian, Middlebury offered me a spot in their master's program with the full financial aid package. Now, I am pursuing a master’s in Italian alongside my veterinary degree with Middlebury's flexible degree program. I plan to move to Italy one day and work internationally as a veterinarian. UC Davis Italian helped me grow academically, professionally, and personally!

What's your advice for someone considering your major?

Majoring in Italian at UC Davis was the best decision I've ever made. The faculty are all so kind and they care about their students. The classes are fun and creative, as they represent each professor's personal interests and passions. The department is small enough that the professors and students become like a family and it's easy to get the help you need, especially with the quarterly movie night, weekly free tutoring, C.I.A.O. Club events, and more. I highly encourage anyone interested in learning Italian to start their language journey with the UC Davis Italian department.

What was your favorite part of your undergraduate program here?

Knowing I was pursuing a career in veterinary medicine, I was both excited and obligated to  complete a science degree in undergrad. While I loved my EEB major, I always felt that I needed a mental escape from STEM courses. I dreamt of learning Italian from the time I was a child, and chose to commit to Italian as my hobby. After several years, I was highly invested and making progress in the language, as well as having so much fun, that I added Italian as my second major. Taking Italian courses transcended the classroom for me; it became my hobby, my happy place, and part of my identity. I was fulfilling the dream my younger self always wanted. Almost everyone in the major was double majoring, but we all felt the same draw to the language: born not from obligation, but from pure excitement and enjoyment of the material we were learning. We really became a family in the Italian department despite our diverse backgrounds and other academic pursuits.

Lauren Watson pretends to kiss the Leaning Tower of Pisa

What are you most proud of from your undergrad experience?

I am proud of staying true to my passions and following my instincts. No one understood why I was taking Italian, why I added the Italian major late in my undergrad education, or why I took an extra year to complete the double major. I wanted to learn Italian so badly, and I knew that my interests were multifaceted and well-rounded. But I did what I felt in my soul needed to be done, and look at where it led me! I took every opportunity I was given during undergrad and graduated later than expected. I know that I'd have a much different life if I had just sped through undergrad without pursuing other fields outside of science, which was my original plan...and that's not the life I'd want to be living right now.

Do you have a professor or a class you want to shout out?

All of the professors are phenomenal. Dr. Jay Grossi is the kindest, most caring, fun teacher for the introductory language courses. Dr. Grace Delmolino crafts the most interesting course topics, and her Dante course (ITA 113)* is a must-take that truly changed my life.

*Note: ITA 113 with Dr. Delmolino is being offered in fall 2024!

What were you involved in outside of class (clubs, internships, etc.)?

I was involved in the Mercer Veterinary Clinic, C.I.A.O. Club, Pre-Vet Students Supporting Diversity (PSSD), and was a peer advisor for the College of Biological Sciences.

Anything else you want to share?

You never know where your language journey will take you. I am dually enrolled in two graduate programs in completely opposite fields, and I couldn't be happier. Dreams don't have to be just have to stay the course and be unafraid of taking chances.