Italian Winter Events

A schedule of upcoming winter events, the text is written out below

La Chiacchierata

Weekly conversation /practice hour

Open to all levels, La Chiacchierata is a weekly meeting to learn more about Italian culture and to practice the language through conversations, and games in a casual setting.

We meet in OLSON 18A on the following dates

Monday 12-1pm

Thursday 12-1pm

Jan 13, Jan 27

Jan 23

Feb 10, Feb 24

Feb 6, Feb 20

Mar 3

Mar 13

Free Peer Tutoring

Tutors assist students enrolled in all Italian courses to strengthen their skills. They provide constructive feedback, grammar review, conversation, and listening comprehension.

Nestor: Mon. & Wed.:  2pm-4pm

Matt: Tues. & Thurs.: 3:15pm-4:15pm

Tutoring room: Sproul 514
Walk-ins are welcome

Italian Film Nights

Join us on a Film night for an immersive experience in Italian language and culture

Dates / times & locations

Tue. January 21, in Olson 18A, 6pm
Noi e la Giulia (Leo, 2014)
Mon. February 10, in Olson18A, 6pm
In guerra per amore (Pif, 2017)

Thu. February 27, in Olson18A, 6pm
I cento passi (Giordana, 2000)

Study Abroad Fair

Interested in Studying in Italy?

Please join us to hear past and present Study Abroad participants talk about their experiences, give their advice, and answer your questions.   You will learn about how to apply, scholarships, and applying financial aid.

Thursday, October 24

3-5 pm    Room TBA 

Refreshments offered

Italian Advising 

If you are interested in learning more about our courses, or the requirements for a major or minor in Italian, come talk to an advisor.

Drop-in hours with Undergraduate Advisor 
Prof. Grace Delmolino in Sproul 504:  
Wed. 12-2pm or by appt 

Drop-in advising with our Peer Advisors in Sproul 514
AlexaMon. & Wed.  3-4pm
KatrineTues. & Thurs.  12-1pm


Club Italiano Americano Organizzato

This UC Davis student-run Italian club organizes regular meetings, monthly conversation hours, and events related to Italy and Italian culture.  

For more information, and to get involved, find them on Instagram. @DavisCiaoClub