Welcome to the Department of French and Italian at UC Davis!
Welcome to the Department of French and Italian at UC Davis!
Why should I study French? Regardless of the career of life path you choose, a major in French will provide you with the tools you need to succeed. Not only will you attain advanced fluency in written and spoken French, but you will also acquire the kinds of skills that admissions boards and employers look for the most: critical thinking, problem solving, effective written and oral expression, and sensitivity to cultural difference. Read More
Why Study Italian? Italy and its people have always contributed in significant ways not only to the arts but also to political theory, science ,literature, and other expressions of human creativity. Think, for instance, about the important period of the Renaissance and about the well-known names of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Machiavelli, and Galileo. But the significance of Italy and its contributions is not limited to the past. Read More